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Making a Mini Raincoat - Step 2 & 3



Making a Miniature Raincoat - Continued

Step 2: Glue the seams together


Fold the seam under the pinky finger and tape with masking tape (do not glue yet). Repeat with the other side (thumb side). Make sure to tuck the "hole" where the pinky finger was into the seam to make a nice flat edge.


Now if you have a doll who will be wearing the raincoat, get him (or her) out now and fit the raincoat on them. You want to make sure the raincoat isn't too wide. If it is, adjust the seams accordingly. Depending on your preference, you can have the coat meet in the middle or overlap a bit.

If you don't have a doll, that's ok too. Try to judge the width of the body of the raincoat. It should be about 2" to 2 1/2" depending on the look you are going for.

Once you are satisfied with the width of the coat, go ahead and glue the seams. It may be helpful to keep them taped while the glue dries and even weight them down with books or other heavy objects.

Step 3: Make the Hood

When the glue is dry, cut off the middle finger leaving about 1/4" from the base of the finger where it meets the glove. (This will form the collar and give you something to glue the hood onto)


Form a hood from the tip of the middle you saved earlier. Cut open the front of the finger to form the hood and trim the bottom if the hood looks too long. The hood in the picture above is about 1" long.


Glue the hood onto the coat where the middle finger was. Attach it right to the flap from the middle finger. Again, you may have to use a heavy book or other object to hold the hood and coat flat while the glue dries.


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