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The Joys of Paint



One of the things I really love to do is paint. It's a Zen thing and always puts me in the Zone. I've been painting porch railings for a few days.....mainly because I had started out with a dark green choice four years ago and it has to be repainted ivory now. It's taking about four coats to cover the dark green, but I love the way it looks. I did some tweaking of the light green paint I bought for the body of the house. It ended up being entirely too minty so I added some grey and brown undertones to it and softened it with a touch of ivory. (I LOVE mixing my own paint!) The dark green piece in the center is part of the roof placed so I could evaluate the changes. On the left is the original light green and to the right of the roof piece is the tweaked shade that's more sage. It's a very subtle change but it makes a big difference. It harmonizes much better with the wallpaper too


. gallery_329_7352_38584.jpg


I'm resisting the urge to go all painted lady on this house. Since it's a low country style, it needs to be a bit more demure so my momentary consideration of adding pops of peach here and there was dismissed. The light sage and ivory will be the primary colors with darker sage for accent trim. It's light and airy and very appropriate for a sea side house.


I have one more coat of paint to add to one section of the porch and then it'll be time to take her out of dry fit and start priming the walls!


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