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stump fairy house, still sanding!



Been doing more sanding when weather permits, kind of cold out there sometimes, and way too much dust for in the house.  Doing more of the fine sanding now, getting the wood very smooth.  I figured out where I want doors and windows, at least part of them but haven't had the courage to cut yet, cutting is so final.  I  think I am going to work on the bed, I can do lathe work in the house on the tiny lathe and it is not very messy, at least no dust and I can do it on newspaper to cleanup fast.  The bed spread is done now, I finished it last night.  The final act was sewing on the ruffle, I started matching the two pieces but quickly realized that wasn't going to work because it buckled the ruffle up making it look awful.  I had to pull the ruffle a little to get it right, the bad part of that was undoing about 4" of hard won ruffle because stretching the top part made it way too long.  It is not the easiest part to undo because of all the rows that only knit part of the row and turn, plus the yarn overs and knit two together make it easier to lose a stitch while taking it apart on such tiny work.  I think  my next knitting project will be a blanket or maybe more then one, I do have a blanket chest to but in the bedroom.  I am going to work on designing the bed first then start in.  Since my iPad battery is dead I have no way of putting pictures on there so I will if I get the battery fixed.


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