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Everything posted by Debz

  1. Well done - I'm looking forward to that feeling once I've tackled a walk in cupboard that's been used as dumping space for far too much recently. Storage boxes are coming today and we will get it tidy!
  2. I don't sweeten the cream either but if you use sharper flavored berries like raspberries or blueberries, it counteracts the sweet meringue. Might make one this weekend just because I can.
  3. Debz

    Hi from me

    My hair is only a bit longer than collar length and I still use pencils to hold it up!
  4. Debz

    Hi from me

    Probably been about 11 years since I actually said anything on this forum (2 kids and life got in the way) but I do pop in to see what you've all been up to and it's lovely to see you back. I've thought about you often.
  5. I've not posted here in quite a while but I do look in on my Greenleaf "family" often. I just want to add my support to your current battle. Few of us have met each other on this forum but I know way much more about many of you than my blood relations and we always look out for our own on here. Best wishes to you.
  6. Holly, I had forgotten that about hair until you mentioned it. My sister had radiotherapy and lost her hair and it came back in much darker and far curlier than it ever was before.
  7. Both my dad and brother in law had their hips replaced with an epidural instead of a general anasthetic. Maybe that would be an option for you too and that might let you worry less.
  8. Deb have you thought about writing children's stories based on those little lizard guys and all their antics? Positive thoughts going to all those with health issues just now. hope they are soon resolved.
  9. You wouldn't want to be in bed too long and risk pressure sores either. They get infected so easily and are a nuisance to try and get rid of. Thinking of you at this challenging time but at least you still have various options to consider.
  10. Mary have you heard about having a course of maggots for treatment? Is this something they do in the US? There have been a few cases here where they used clinical grade maggots in a dressing for clearing up infected tissue. Maggots only eat the infected bits so they were really good for clearing infected, hard to heal areas. It was just an idea and not for everyone because some people can be quite grossed out by that thought. I'd be happy to try anything if it meant keeping body parts in good health. If nothing else you can always watch your doctors reaction when you make a suggestion like that.
  11. I am thankful every day for my loving husband, my precious little boy and all my family members.
  12. Debz

    Cremation boxes

    What a great honour. Could you sketch something first on paper and see what he thinks of it before committing it to the wood. At least doing it before he needs it, will ensure that he gets what he wants when the time has come for him to pass. How often have we been left wondering if we have made the right arrangements for a loved one after they have gone because there was never a conversation when they were in life.
  13. Debz

    I am healing

    That is great news and so good to hear you are up and about already.
  14. Thanks for the recipes. I also love to bake but will end up being the size of a house if I keep eating all the cakes I make.
  15. Thye look fab and I love cupcakes. Could you post the recipes you used for them?
  16. Debz

    Mini on the way!

    I hope everything goes really smoothly this weekend and it's no time at all until DH can share pictures of your precious baby with us.
  17. Steak and ale pie with mash potato and a green vegetable (don't know which one yet)
  18. Debz


    Glad to hear everything went according to plan for both your and your grandkids sakes. Here's to a speedy and full recovery and less painful days ahead.
  19. That is the most incredible news and inspiration for me to get up off my butt and do something about my weight before it gets too out of hand.
  20. I can only add my condolences and prayers to those of the rest of the Greenleaf "family"
  21. Debz

    Mini on the way!

    Congratulations - the very best holiday souvenir.
  22. Perhaps attending the funeral of someone who was only 38 years old made her realise how foolish harsh words can be. Sometimes you don't get the opportunity to make the aplogy. Accept her apology as Ann said and
  23. As Aunt Dee has said, once it is all completed, invite her round for a huge slap up meal and cook all her favourite things.
  24. You can also sand the bumpy edges off the acorn cups stick a flat bead on the bottom. If you give it a couple of coats of varnish, they make lovely bowls.
  25. Glad to hear that this phase of the proceedings has been completed. May I add my prayers to a speedy and appropriate resolution for your family.
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