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Everything posted by what2craftnow

  1. It's gorgeous!!! I've only tried soldering on LED's. I can see that you are going to have oodles of fun with this new technique. Well Done!
  2. Well, I've been dragging my heels on this project. One particular item has me rather stumped, so typical me...I just put the breaks on and wait for the idea :idea_1: to fully 'percolate'. There are so many ideas formulating for other parts, but I can't do anything until this little obstacle is out of the way. Good thing we have all the extra time this year I did find an interesting photo in my saved picture gallery though (and had totally forgotten it was there). I saved it for reference on my completely idle (sigh) Gull cottage project...but take a look at the greenhouse that was never used in the movie production. Look familiar???? B)
  3. Sue, you can carefully push wooden skewers thru the open ends. Don't know if you'd need to do all the openings, but maybe every other one or two. I have the longer wooden skewers on hand and they are nearly a perfect fit. Just cut off the ends that would stick out. Hope this helps.
  4. (audible gasp from Ms. Vanity) :hide: I, on the other hand, would be very interested in any killer recipes involving eggplant Holly...I adore it!! :wub: Actually, there is one in the fridge just waiting to become something wonderful.
  5. I think that is how she broke her arm, Deb! Shaking it all about...and the other plants pounced! (least that's the story I'M tellin' her) Silly vixen. LOL Glad she she made you giggle. She had me in stitches whilst creating her. Laughed so hard I broke the poor dear's little stem..
  6. Thanks for the positives on that vain eggplant I'm harboring. She's quite the character, and will hold a place of 'honor' in my Fling. (although SHE may not like where she is going..hehehe) Glad everyone has or is about to get their Fling pkgs. Ain't it fun??!! I received my 2nd order from GL today and will need to really get busy now. I have been SO dawdling the last couple of days. I have to order more _____, and will have to try and hunt down some more thinga-ma-hoojies and gee-gaws. (I checked DH spare airplane parts, and none of it comes even close to what I am goin' for) Looks like a trip to Hobby Lobby or Joann Fabrics is in order. Have a marvelous weekend everyone, and FLING ON!
  7. OK..here's another teaser pic. She's not quite finished yet, but she sooo wanted to say "Howdy-doo" to all of you. She said September was FAR too long to wait. I told you - she is a vain little minx. (I figured she couldn't exactly give away any hint of what my project is, so I succumbed to her pleading) Who knew eggplants were so theatrical?? Not me! The way she is posing, I'm not quite sure if she is about to break into the Highland Fling, or if she is just showing off. Anyway, say Hello to Ms. Vanity Fair...the talk of the vegetable patch!! They DESPISE her. lol p.s. - She broke her arm while practicing her 'moves'..at least, THAT'S what the other vegetables in the patch said. I had to perform delicate 'glue surgery'. sigh
  8. LMAO! Maybe both polymer and car parts... Of course, this project will no doubt want nice, new shiny car parts - off of a Maserati, Rolls Royce or a Bentley! <rolling eyes> Maybe I can get in touch with Jay Leno...he might have some spare 'stuff' lyin' around and take pity on me. Goodness knows, he has more fancy cars than he can handle. It's either that, or I will have to resort to DH's old, grimy spare airplane parts. :nonono: Maybe the ______ would like a large propeller... Congrats on finishing the lighthouse!! Can't wait to see photos. Alright everyone.. :whip: :trumpet: FLING ON!!! p.s. That WAS thoughtful of it, Brae!! LOL Fear not, it will show up just when needed. (and begin demanding all sorts of stuff!)
  9. My greenhouse arrived just fine. Only one teeny, tiny easily fixable crack..no biggie...I have glue and am not afraid to use it. 'Course, it was wedged between so many other things I couldn't live without, it was well protected! LOL As for my Fling...it has changed its tune almost entirely..again!! (sigh) Now, it wants to be all decked out in _____ and gee-gaws and whatcha-ma-hoojies!!! Sheesh, I hope this is the very LAST time it does a 180 on me... I'm gettin' far too old for this kind of shenanigans!! And I refuse to be wandering about at the Bishop show without some sort of FIRM plan in mind. That is just setting myself up for "buy everything - you just might need it!" Although the 'new plan' certainly sits well with my frilly eggplant..hehehe
  10. Oh Ann, so sorry to hear you won't be able to go. We all can understand when it comes to the prices of gas these days...it is soooo outrageously expensive If I lived more than a couple hours away, am positive I wouldn't be making the trip either.
  11. Yes, they ARE small, you enablers! And this project started off as small...but my muse seems to be thinkin' "Go BIGGER!!" That flaky muse of mine seems to think that by turning _____ this way, and raising _____ that way and cutting a hole in the _____ to fit the ____ in, we will come out with a _____ _____ with a _____!!! And she demands that the ____ have spotlighting (?) and ____ too!!! Sheesh...where will it end? Personally, I think she is off her nut...but was so happy to have her home again that I submitted to her ravings. I can't wait to see what she cajoles me into at the Bishop show next week. Undoubtedly, two of everything!
  12. Someone STOP ME!!! I just ordered 2 MORE SF kit items. This 'idea' seems to be growing....
  13. Well Sarah, if it is any comfort...I had been given 'strict orders' to "Finish what you are doing first,..&@%%*#!!!" And, with THAT...I happily went about doing precisely what I wanted anyway....<evil brat laugh> Now that meds thing might pose a bigger problem. No injuries whilst working are the goal, so I would wait a safe amount of time, and then ..RUN WITH IT!!
  14. Jo, I have NO DOUBT you will come up with something FABULOUS once you and this kit 'meet in person".
  15. I'm with you, Cat!! I gleefully, and with childish abandon, opened the box and commenced 'dry fits' and sporadic 'hissy fits' (even the slightest bashing does that to me..sigh) Even glued a bit and primed a few lovely pieces of the _______ _____.... After all the added drama...all is GOOD. Even the "eggplant" is more calmed now that I 'promised' it a place in the NEW idea (or maybe it was being submerged upside-down in mulch for several hours)..at any rate...things are progressing. YEA!
  16. Sure does! Thanks for the inspiration Selkie. I'm sure someone will run with it. I myself have TWO too many ideas at this stage. If any more enter the picture, I will totally blow my "stack"... and :surrender:
  17. Well, there might be room for a tap-dancin', ruffly tutu wearin' diva eggplant somewhere in this idea, Deb. It can be an item of 'curiosity'..lol My kits arrived today too..HOORAY! It is OFFICIALLY time to FLING ON!!!
  18. Looks like my 'sane' idea is winning the battle at this point. The eggplants are FURIOUS. hehehe
  19. What a wonderful ending to the story! So glad you got your buddy back!
  20. Thanks for all the advice on softening polymer. The old tuck in the bra trick...who knew?! LOL Well, now the eggplants are all whining for frilly bras, tap pants and ornate hairpieces! I've put them in a time-out by smothering them in mulch until they settle down and behave themselves. Let them vegetate for a while and think about their vain ways... Silly things! :good_night: In the meantime, another more 'sane' idea has popped into my head and is demanding to be taken seriously....OY! THE VOICES!!! :blahblah1: We'll just have to see who will win this battle when the kits arrive today. I don't think I can handle building TWO. Then they would be arguing about WHO's better and should be 'contest' worthy. I can just hear it.."Mom likes me better than YOU!" "Oh yeah? Well YOU were left on the doorstep by gypsies!" Such drama!
  21. HAPPY EASTER everyone! We are off to my sister's today for ham, potato casserole, strawberry jello salad, many veggies and rolls. All to be followed by pie, cookies and who-knows-what-else. I'm sure it will be the usual noisy loon-fest that ALL our gatherings are. :bounce8:
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