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About minifan

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    United States

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  1. Amy, MsMiniLover added a YouTube video for using a Dremel to her site...you might find that helpful http://www.youtube.com/user/MsMiniLover#p/search/0/ho4WXb_8cQ8
  2. I have a Black & Decker one that I got at Walmart... http://www.walmart.com/ip/Black-Decker-3-Speed-RTX-Rotary-Tool-Model-RTX-B/9714694 I chose it because it was the best price...(for me at the time)... I bought the basic dremel and was buying additional bits, (the disks kept breaking)... then dh bought this... http://www.homedepot.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?storeId=10051&productId=202016454&langId=-1&catalogId=10053&ci_sku=202016454&ci_src=14110944&cm_mmc=shopping-_-googlebase-_-D25X-_-202016454&locStoreNum=4501 It's corded, but I will never have a need for an uncorded one and I hate changing/charging batteries...
  3. The only thing that worries me, is that, in order to make it realistic, the window would "stick out" because it's a slanted wall...and I can't slant the window, (I think that would look strange)...and I wanted a full window because it's the nursery... :angry: I can never make up my mind!!! Even as I type this I'm wondering if I should switch back the rooms and put the bathroom back in the addition and the nursery back to the front room!!! OR Put the nursery on the 3rd floor with the daughters room and put the guest room in the addition... AAACKKK TOOO MANY THINGS TO THINK ABOUT!!!
  4. I have this addition, and I'd like to put a room in it on the 2nd floor...but I wanted to add a window...would that look weird? The window would be a full size, like the ones on the front, and would be on the side of the house...
  5. HOLY MOLY Jennifer...that is quite a plan!!! We haven't been doing much around here...my dh had an awful case of Tendinitis in his hand...he had to have a steriod shot and wear a cast for 2 weeks...and now it's better than ever!!! We have a bunch of birthday parties and such lately, and then we are going through our house and updating it... I'm feeling the need to update...the last time we "decorated" our house was 5 years ago...so I'm looking forward to painting some rooms in the house... This summer we hope to re-do our kitchen cabinets, just paint them and re-do the counters... but those are our biggest plans...
  6. minifan


    That's AWESOME Audra!! Will you be able to get your Glenwood now?
  7. Bre it's coming out soo good!!! I love it!!!
  8. @Rose...yes, but I'm still confused!!! I thought about asking RGT to help decipher their "code"...
  9. Thank you everyone!!! Yes, the porch is definitely a room in NE...but it's usually a 3-season style room...I'm thinking of doing that to a section of my porch...maybe adding some screening around it!!!
  10. minifan

    DSC 0037

    Awesome tool holder!!!
  11. minifan

    DSC 0033

    Love the half wall here!!!
  12. minifan

    DSC 0026

    OH I love how you built the bed into the alcove!!!
  13. HAHAHA Kathie!!! @Audra - No, this is where you attache the right front panel to the main body... At this point the floors are sticking out the front by 1/8 of an inch...so I thought it meant to bring the right side of the front panel and line it up with the right side of the house...?
  14. What does this mean? "Bring the edge of the front all the way out to cover the tips of the clapboard profile on the Right side. It is a common oversight to leave looseness between parts when attaching the Right Front, then again when building the tower and Gable...and the builder gets to the Left Front and it doesn't line up very well, and all the glue is set. Keep everything tight to the right starting now."
  15. I would use the first floor as a kitchen/living room/dining room, open concept style...
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