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About PepperJoAz

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    Crafty stuff !!

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  • Dollhouse Building Experience
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  • Country
    United States

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  1. Also, I ended up having my father-in-law create a single piece for the front, Not sure I ever posted those pictures,
  2. Hopefully this works for you. If not, I would be happy to email directly - just send me am email address!!
  3. Thanks for all the links and input - super helpful!!! I just bought some paint pens recently - I may give those a try. The pieces did not come in sheets, so I don't really have "scrap" to practice... maybe I can find this same thickness in a hobby store for practice. Thanks for all of the good ideas!!
  4. So, I bought a 1/144 scale house (the Victorian Bay kit) on a whim, and now.... kinda don't know what to do. Clearly I want to finish the inside, but....how? It's so small - is it better to just paint everything? Are there wallpapers scaled that small? Same with floors....I guess just stain or maybe find a picture of a little rug or something? Every link I find seems to be for pre-made items, rather than DIY (for furniture, etc). Is it better to just buy stuff instead of trying to make it due to the size? What should I be searching for good information / links / sources... I tried searching these forums but didn't have a lot of luck. Thanks!!
  5. I thought I'd post a quick picture of the house in question, just for completeness sake!! I think he did a pretty good job. He used to be a model train guy, and is still a woodworker (mostly cabinets and such) so it's really not a surprise that he did well!!
  6. Thanks for the input, everyone! I think I will go with the cost of the kit + maybe $30-$40 as the estimated value. He didn't spend much - glue, a few sheets of scrapbook paper, and some spray paint. He's not looking for a profit or even a tax deduction, so I think I could give the charity just about any number and they'd be happy. Thanks again!!
  7. Hi there - My father-in-law built a Vermont Farmhouse Jr and plans to donate it to a local charity for a silent auction. They are asking for an estimated value for the doll house. I know how much he paid for the kit, but would that be the "estimated value"? He finished the house inside and out with paint and wallpaper. It is not wired and has no furnishings. If this isn't the right place to ask...any ideas of a better place?? thanks!!
  8. Thanks for the input!! I kept thinking it was 1" scale, but couldn't figure out why it was only 4" deep. Once I was reading your replies, I had "a vision" of making the roof look more like an awning, maybe...I was even thinking of maybe removing the windows to make it look a little more open feeling / looking... As always, the possibilities seem endless, once you start thinking....but really, I should probably finish the "in progress" house first!!! Thanks again!!
  9. Hi there !! I picked up this structure from an acquaintance who is getting out of 1" scale minis. After looking at it for a long time, I'm wondering what it would be classified as, and if it fits into any standard scale. I thought it was a room box at first, but now I'm wondering if it's more intended as more of a "3-D scene" (for lack of a better name). What I mean is I could picture having a picture of maybe a plant nursery or farmer's market on the back wall, with a few plants, plant stands, garden equipment, etc in the limited floor space. So, opinions? Is it to scale? Is it not really a room box? What would you do with it? The sides on the outer wall are stucco'd. No panes in the windows. The back is not finished at all. The "floor" is cut to size but not attached, so could easily be changed. Measurements: side to side = about 10-10.5" front to back (floor space) = about 4.5" floor to ceiling (measured the height of the back wall without the roof) = 9.5" Thanks for your expertise!!
  10. PepperJoAz


    This was built from a kit I was gifted by a co-worker (her brother-in-law had them before he passed, so she gave them to me). It's from the Houseworks Signature Series Federal Collection.
  11. Slowly but surely...making my way through... currently waiting on a gluing jig to help with some of the details. Still a lot to do, but I keep thinking of how many different people have said their first house took a long time... I want to be done, but at the same time, I know it needs to take as long as it takes!! Here are some pictures to update (also in the gallery)
  12. PepperJoAz

    My Orchid build - 1st doll house

    This is my first "model real estate development", as I saw another forum member call it. Hoping to track all of my progress with this album.
  13. Here is a picture of the bathroom in my Orchid/Primrose bash. I used balsa wood from Michael's, some wide (1/4 inch?) and some skinny (1/8 inch?) alternated. Hopefully you can see what I did in the picture. I was advised against using balsa wood, but it worked for me. I guess others have not had good luck with it (it's so soft, it can be hard to sand and paint). Good luck!!
  14. That's a good idea, too !!! I will have to look at that, see how it looks. Thanks for the idea!!
  15. fov, this picture from your blog is exactly what I pictured this afternoon - thank you for the link!!! I will definitely revisit this for some inspiration when I have the chance to hit up Hobby Lobby or Michael's for supplies!!
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