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Everything posted by Anna

  1. Great to hear! Looking forward to seeing how it all come together!
  2. Anna

    Dressing screen

    Fabulous work, Now I want one in real life just because
  3. I have always been fascinated by them too but never had spot/place for one and Now that I have I can not for the life of me find a source for them around here. I am Hoping I Will be able to find something at the show in Farum/Denmark first weekend in May, but being the person I am I would have liked getting hold of some like today LOL. Glad to here that the Curved window worked out too!
  4. So, as spring arrives sloooooowly over here My mini muse is showing herslef more often with New ideas and latley it has involved building a Table and add a mosaic top, sort of Like the one in the picture. i really Love the irregular shapes like these
  5. Hmmm, I do know of a few Miniature sellers in Netherlands that come to the Farum show just outside Copenhague. Will check that list. then in Denmark the Louisiana art center ((?) https://artworksapp.com/venues/louisiana-museum-of-modern-art?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIlr7377SR4QIVBKqaCh04cA_zEAAYAiAAEgIeH_D_BwE is a lovley place to spend time. I am checking with hubby too
  6. Anna


    Let me know if you want measurements for this as I am writing up a tutorial and Will probably do up 8-10kits for the summer workshop. Have LOTs of pics as I try do make them visual as well and Will be Happy to share as I get more Done LOL, well, I am sort of one roll with this one, and I have made myself a promise, ie atleast one thing creative every day be it sketching for something I am planning, organizing and going through stash or actually creating and also this is My "Happy-place" and what makes me zone out everyday work related stuff and as a principle/head master I need to do that or I wo't be able to refocus energy for next day and the day after.... then it helps that I absolutley Love creating and have a very supportive and encouraging husband who also help with adding his point of view of evolving a project
  7. Ouch, big Times!!! Know the feeling a bit to well if I say so, last time it was a knife and,y Left thunb though. Hope it heads well!,
  8. Sooo, built another one for practise and in a different colour scheme just for the fun of ot
  9. What a great way to start a Sunday morning reqding these news! So Happy for you Mike and keep up all the good mini work as well.
  10. Read about it and am so sorry for anyone and all involved. Wish it would never happen
  11. Thank you all!!! never Done a mini-work shop before, or rather I have Done mini-ing with pupils earlier but this Will be different, have almost got all the materials gathered by Now. It Will be for a maximum of 8 persons so it Will be a small gathering to start with I Think.
  12. From the album: Southwestern porch

    I Willl hold a two day work shop in late June where we Will build the hacienda and these are the flowers I Will add to the kit itself, the rosens are "ready purchased" the succulents and Sunflower are made by me and then we Will do the Daisy flowers in class.
  13. He is absolutley fantastic! Amazing job
  14. Anna

    Two more versions

    Thank you! I have had so much fun fiddling with making flowers latley. Promise I Will share
  15. Wonderful find! Looking forward to seeing how you Will fashion it!
  16. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, didn't know that it was called impatiens however fitting though
  17. And I am starting to go slightly (or more) nuts as I can find it pictured but no where to purchase it from so does Anyone have a great source for punch bunch punches to recommend to find the one I circled in the pic?
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