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One of my furkids is sick...


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so I'm hoping all you animal lovers...particularly cat lovers...will send him purrs and good wishes! It's very strange...I got up at 4:45 this morning (my usual time up) and he leaped off the bed and headed down to the kitchen as usual. Unfortunately I didn't follow him -- instead, I went to the bathroom, then headed in to my study to work on a paper I've been writing. My husband got up about 6:45 and headed to the kitchen to feed the four cats...and no TabbyGrey! He's usually the first one in the kitchen, climbing on the island, "helping" to fix breakfast...

My husband went looking for him and found him on the bed, listless, not hardly lifting his head, that "second eyelid" folded down over half his eyes...WAY ill. We called the vet at 8:00...and had to wait all day for a vet appointment. Got in at 3:30 this afternoon. Vet takes a look at him, checks his lungs (good), his heart (just fine), his pulse (normal), his temperature...elevated about 2 degrees. Says..."I could charge you a bundle and do a blood test, but I'm pretty sure it's going to come back that he has a bacterial infection. I'm going to give him a shot of antibiotics and fever reducer, and then give you oral antibiotics to give him for the next 10 days.. he should be feeling MUCH better by the morning, and likely pretty darned good by day 7. But if he's not feeling better tomorrow, call me right away and we'll do some more testing."

So we brought him home and tucked in with a comforter on the couch, and went off to dinner. Just came back awhile ago. He actually jumped down off the couch, went out to the kitchen, ate a couple of bites of food and drank a bit of water -- his first ALL DAY, then used the litter box -- another first! Then back on the couch.

So presumably he's feeling a bit better. But I HATE it when our furkids are sick. Anyway, purrs for TabbyGrey would be very appreciated. And pats for his Big Person Mom and Dad, too! :wave:

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Total dog person here, but I know how it is when our fur kids are sick. you're on pins and needles until they are themselves again! Sorry to hear that your fuzz butt picked up a bug, but it sounds like he's on the mend. Sending rays that he gets better!

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Oh no! Pets sure are scaring us this week aren't they? Glad to hear he's already feeling better! Good thing you were able to get him in today, I still haven't gotten to talk to Shadow's doc yet, they're so busy over there. (But he's feeling much better!) Sending lots of purrs & headbutts to TabbyGrey, and wishing him a speedy recovery! Keep us posted.


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Hi Ann

Hope your furbaby is showing more progress by now.....hope he didn't get into something...poinsettia,plants, or ????????? Sounds like he made a quick turn-about! I've been there too. Sophie here is 17 and still hangin' in there...yet, she's gotten SO MUCH more vocal.......wish she could tell me why...or WHAT!!!! By the way.....the DRY powder Mustard IS the best way to go!!!!

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Thanks, all you petlovers! He appears better this morning...was on the bed at 5 a.m. making sure we were still there and awake...and, while he didn't finish up everyone else's breakfast treat, at least he ate his, and is sitting on the kitchen island as I type this, washing up. :wave: We haven't tackled the oral antibiotics down his throat just yet...we both want to be FULLY awake before we do that. He's the most laid-back of the 4, and we're hoping will only protest a bit.

Yes, the first thing the vet asked was whether there were any holiday ornaments or plants or other strange stuff he could have gotten in to...and the answer around here is NO. Other than a bit of Christmas wrapping paper, nothing else is different.

Obviously we'll keep watch...and I know the medicine thing, twice a day, is going to be fun...NOT!!!...at least he's better for now. :wave:

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WIll keep my fingers crossed for him getting through this quickly so that he will be back to his "ol'" self soon again, it is such a troublesome time to deal with when the little furbabies are feeling ill! No fun at all as they can't voice their feelings or where they are in pain.


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Tinsel is beautiful and I love it but it is a cat killer at the most and a gross game of tag in the least.

Not saying your cat ate tinsel but I thought I would mention it. I havent used the stuff since I have been keeping my own house at the tender age of 18yr.

That is because it was MY job to catch the cat with a piece of papertowel..you can kind of get the picture. :wave:

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Yes, tinsel is a real no-no. The new plastic kind isn't quite as bad as the old metal stuff..but awful just the same. No tree here, no decorations, no poinsetta, no amarylis...just the usual stuff we always have around the house. Not even "special" food for dinner...ham, which we have regularly. So his illness is "unexplained". But he is mending. I'm so glad! :wave:

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Glad to hear he is feeling better. Good luck with the meds.

Gracie had a similar sounding bug over the summer. At first she was almost too weak to fight taking the antibiotic, but once it kicked in and she started getting her strength back - watch out! We had that stuff splattered everywhere sometimes! Luckily, we managed to get enough into her, as well. She seemed to feel back to normal after about 3 days.

Lots of pats and hugs!

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Is it possible to mix his antibiotic with a bit of tuna or ground ham or something he likes that's strong-flavored enough he'll eat it without realizing he's also getting meds?

;) A cat can eat an entire bowl of food, and leave behind (licked totally clean) each tiny crushed piece of the pill.

Yep, they really can. The only way to get a pill down is to hold the mouth open, put the pill back as far into the throat as possible, and then plunge it down the throat. You learn to be very quick and thorough. If the cat looks like it's not aware of what has just taken place, you've succeeded.

Ann, I'm so glad to hear that he's doing so much better. Thank heavens for vets.


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The antibiotics are liquid, a thick pasty stuff. It comes with a syringe that measures 1.00 (something). We have to give him 1.5...which means holding him down for TWO squirts of nasty tasting stuff. (Well, we assume it's nasty tasting, given the struggle we have to go through to get it down him!)

Well, enough of THAT. We went off to Fleet Farm, where they sell farm veterinary stuff and found a larger syringe, (with a small enough "working end") that only ONCE do we have to hold him down in the morning, then again at night. So far so good. A squirt, and a nip of tuna, and he's back to purring.

He's been pretty good about it so far.. but as Grace's Big Folks already discovered, once the kitty starts to feel his/her own self, all HECK can break loose when they realize you're about to grab them for something "awful".

And yes, I've seen cats scarf down a bowl of tuna and leave behind all the teeny bits of pill. We had one cat that would APPEAR to take in the pill, APPEAR to swallow..and then when you'd turn your back, she'd daintily spit it out! ;)

And then there was Patch...a huge (overweight huge) black and white tom cat. We'd call, "Here, Patch!! A treat!!!" and he'd come running, mouth open. Drop in the pill, he'd swallow...then give us a funny look, like.."hey, THAT tasted weird!!!!" But then, next time the pill was due, he'd come running ;)

Cats. Gotta love 'em! :wub:

Anyway, TabbyGrey seems like he's getting better. Back to eating some, and doing his thing in the litter box.

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cats and meds are a tricky mix. If the med is a pill form, some vets (or even pet stores) carry pill pockets that are small hollow treats that a pill can be put inside. They must taste pretty good because they worked grand on the Demon Alexandra. With liquid doses, we've had some luck (two brave people involved) with a 'cat grasp' which we learned when I worked at an animal hospital, but defies anyway to explain it in words. It mostly worked, but I still have scars on my hands many years later to prove it wasn't 100%. I've never had luck mixing liquid meds in to cat food. They always seem to know and then you get an even finickier eater. Good luck and hope speedy recovery!

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1) Pick cat up and cradle it in the crook of your left arm as if holding a baby. Position right forefinger and thumb on either side of cat's mouth and gently apply pressure to cheeks while holding pill in right hand. As the cat opens mouth pop pill into mouth. Allow cat to close mouth and swallow.

2) Retrieve pill from floor and cat from behind sofa. Cradle cat in left arm and repeat process.

3) Retrieve cat from bedroom, and throw soggy pill away.

4) Take new pill from foil wrap, cradle cat in left arm holding rear paws tightly with left hand. Force jaws open and push pill to back of mouth with right forefinger. Hold mouth shut for a count of ten.

5) Retrieve pill from goldfish bowl and cat from top of wardrobe. Call spouse from garden.

6) Kneel on floor with cat wedged firmly between knees, hold front and rear paws. Ignore low growls emitted by cat. Get spouse to hold head firmly with one hand while forcing wooden ruler into mouth. Drop pill down ruler and vigorously rub cat's throat.

7) Retrieve cat from curtain rail, get another pill from foil wrap. Make a note to buy new ruler and repair curtains. Carefully sweep shattered figurines and vases from hearth and set to one side for gluing later.

8) Wrap cat in large towel and get spouse to lie on cat with head just visible from below armpit. Put pill in end of drinking straw, force mouth open with pencil and blow down drinking straw.

9) Check label to make sure pill is not harmful to humans, drink 1 beer to take taste away. Apply Band-Aid to spouse's forearm and remove blood from carpet with cold water and soap.

10) Retrieve cat from neighbor's shed. Get another pill. Open another beer. Place cat in cupboard and close door onto neck to leave head showing. Force mouth open with dessert spoon. Flick pill down throat with elastic band.

11) Fetch screwdriver from garage and put cupboard door back on hinges. Drink beer. Fetch bottle of scotch. Pour shot, drink. Apply cold compress to cheek and check records for date of your last tetanus jab. Apply whiskey compress to cheek to disinfect. Toss back another shot. Throw tee-shirt away and fetch new one from bedroom.

12) Ring fire brigade to retrieve the friggin' cat from tree across the road. Apologize to neighbor who crashed into fence while swerving to avoid cat. Take last pill from foil wrap.

13) Tie the little @#!*#^~!'s front paws to rear paws with garden twine and bind tightly to leg of dining room table, find heavy duty Pruning gloves from shed. Push pill into mouth followed by large piece of fillet steak. Be rough about it. Hold head vertically and pour 2 pints of water down throat to wash pill down.

14) Consume remainder of Scotch. Get spouse to drive you to the emergency room, sit quietly while doctor stitches fingers and forearm and removes pill remnants from right eye. Call furniture shop on way home to order new table.

15) Arrange for SPCA to collect mutant cat from hell and ring local pet shop to see if they have any hamsters.

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