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Thank you, CJ, your momma is adorable, and you come from a lovely family!

We found both my cutting mat and more iron-on wood veneer this AM. We also hit a Good Will and DH scored some really nice shirts. Our weather is too raw to coax me out to the shop today; DH & I have been nursing coughs for nearly a week.

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Sitting here waiting for Lawson to get home from his first day of COLLEGE! The school is in downtown Atlanta (ack!), and he has had his license less than 3 months, but luckily we live very close to a park ride that goes to town. He managed to get all his classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so he is available to work the other days, which is great. Also, his best friend started this semester too, so they carpool to the bus those 2 days. He also has several high school friends that go there, so he'll have some friends for his down time and such, so that's all good. But still... I just wish he'd hurry and get home! Should be any minute...

He's here!! Yay!

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good morning. Today iam not up to alot just staying warm and unthawing frozen pipes in my downstairs bathroom. I have been busy working on my little house and so far its coming along nicely. Been very busy working with our sound system business is starting to pick up there Friday was dj night then Saturday was sound for a local band last night was trivia just tired of lugging equipment but its starting to pay for its self and its alot of fun. So if anyone has any great trivia questions Iam open to all suggestions. Just wish this 8 degree weather would go away.

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The sun finally came out to reveal the world looking like it has been frosted! After a day and a half snow it all froze last night. Going to put on my traks and head out for some photo shoots. Have a good day!

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Cold today. Brrrr! I picked up a whole roaster for dinner today. I have been in the mood for a roasted chicken dinner for awhile. The whole she-bang. Stuffing and gravy included. Lyn, you will build muscle with all that lugging. It is like an extra bonus.

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Sitting here waiting for Lawson to get home from his first day of COLLEGE!

Yesterday was Jake's first day of his 4th spring semester. it seems funny, saying spring when it's 18 degrees out.

DH is recovering from major abdominal surgery well. They let him out of the hospital after just 3 days in recovery instead of the usual 5 or 6. He's on some kind of medication that makes everything taste vile, so it's been a chore figuring out things he can eat.

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The only instructions that came with my patient were that he can return to a normal diet, but to eat 5 or 6 small meals a day, have some fruit etc., to avoid constipation and that most patients will have a reduced appetite for several weeks, and to drink Ensure if they find they have no appetite.

By looking online I found that soft foods are better for him now. The main problem is that he says everything tastes bad. Today I asked him if he was up for meatloaf for dinner, he nodded. He likes my meatloaf a lot, so if he finds he can't eat much of it, I can freeze slices for another time.

I'm going grocery shopping to get some more things I think might work with his medication better. At least he's on that stuff just temporarily.

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Altered taste perception is a nasty side effect of many meds. Can he take the Ensure? At least with that he'll get his protein and some fiber.

While we were running around yesterday we found a floor model of a coat tree for the workshop at Lowe's, but they didn't want to sell us the floor model (they had some more coming in today) and he was also looking for a new chair mat,, since the carpet in our house, although the cheapest, has a pile deeper than what he thought the last mat would work for. So we headed for the part of Pensacola that has both Lowe's and the office supply store next door to each other and found both items; so while we were at it I picked up some 1/4" stripwood at Lowe's to use for Washington's attic joists. We topped at one of our favorite thrift stores, only to find they had moved; on the way to find their new location we stopped at the other Good Will and found DH some more nice shirts, plus a Sag Harbor for me (in with the men's shirts!). We finally found the other thrift store, but they're still getting moved in and won't be open again for another week.

This is the coat tree we got:


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Love the coat rack Holly!

My daughter Anslee is under the 4 week mark til her due date, and the baby is breech. She went today to the hospital to turn the baby, and they were unsuccessful after 2 tries. If he isn't turned next week, they will schedule a c-section. She is pretty sad about that. I just trying to look on the bright side, that if it's scheduled we can plan, but still... On top of all that, as she's trying to get her house all ready (they just moved in Nov and just finished painting the week before Christmas) and the baby's room ready, they started replacing the floors in her house last week. The main area is almost done, they still have the 3 bedrooms, including the nursery... Poor girl.

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Love the coat rack Holly!

My daughter Anslee is under the 4 week mark til her due date, and the baby is breech. She went today to the hospital to turn the baby, and they were unsuccessful after 2 tries. If he isn't turned next week, they will schedule a c-section. She is pretty sad about that. I just trying to look on the bright side, that if it's scheduled we can plan, but still... On top of all that, as she's trying to get her house all ready (they just moved in Nov and just finished painting the week before Christmas) and the baby's room ready, they started replacing the floors in her house last week. The main area is almost done, they still have the 3 bedrooms, including the nursery... Poor girl.

Tracy:I have faith everything will go well. You may choose to not tell Anslee this next anecdote until after she has the baby,because I know new mothers have enough to scare them.lol But at least y'all are prepared if the baby does continue to be breech. My sister had her firstborn breech,natural-no C-section,nothing! Her husband was in the Navy,and for some reason I never understood,the military doctor(s) decided it was too late to do one or to even give her an epidural. I cannot imagine what that was like for my very slender,no hip sister! My parents went out to where they were stationed in California-Alameda,I believe-to be there for the birth,and Mom said that after the delivery poor Sis' eyes were blood shot like nothing she'd ever seen before,from the pushing. My nephew was about 8 lbs I believe,and very healthy,if very bruised!

One more delivery tale:My firstborn came 12 days early-I figured I'd run 2 weeks late,like Mom always did. Ha! I attended college full time right up to just hours before my water broke. The next day was the start of Christmas break,so I had been busy attending school and studying for finals,which were that day(All A's!) The crib hadn't even been put together! My ex had it all done and fixed up so cute when he brought me and our tiny 5lb.12 oz. bundle home.The secondhand swinging Jenny Lynde cradle in our bedroom had something wrong where it was supposed to hang on the stand that we hadn't had time to fix yet,so the first night we set him in it down on the carpet beside the bed since I couldn't bear to leave him in his room across the hall. I can't wait for your announcement of your sweet little grandbaby's arrival!

And I know how you felt about Lawson's first day of college! My younger son may be coming up close by your way next fall,on to University of Georgia for his masters' degree. He's got a couple more interviews with other colleges,so we'll see how far away from me he'll end up being! I can't stand it,but am so proud for him! Sorry about the long post,but your news took me back a few years! Best of luck and try to not worry! :)

Edited by kat57
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Last weekend I was surrounded by sniffling and snuffling folks during our visit with L's sister. I was a bit too smug about being the only healthy one in the house but got my comeuppance in spades. Tuesday I woke up with the most painful, sorest throat in recent memory. L mixed up some of his grandmother's magic elixir (honey, lemon juice and olive oil) that helped ease the pain. Today the throat feels fine, just a bit of sniffling and snuffling going on.

Today UPS should deliver L's new 17" laptop. He doesn't know it's coming. I have a dream setup: 17" laptop with a 25" second monitor that works a treat for my genealogy work, bookkeeping, etc. He has been using an 11" Chromebook. He does a lot with his photos -- including managing to have at least five copies in various folders in no discernible order, plus some folders with 3-5 copies of each photo but that's another story! Anyway, he has been insisting that he's doing just fine but I've felt sorry for him squinting along on the small screen, so when I realized that Dell had the perfect laptop on sale, I ordered it. My best guess is that he will now manage even more multiple copies of files, but at least he won't get a headache while doing it. :D

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Glad you're on the upswing Kathie! And yay for Lloyd and his new computer! What a nice surprise!

Thanks Kat for the story of your sister's successful breech birth. Good to know that can happen. But I don't think her Dr will let that happen. I know doctors want to play it safe and all. But, when Anslee was born, my Dr had been on vacation, and I had been seeing a sub. I was scheduled to see mine later in the day she was born, so he hasn't seen me in a couple weeks. She was over 10 pounds, I had her with no epidural, no c section, no problems. He told my mom had he known she was close to that big he wouldn't have even let me try to have her. I was 93 pounds before (and after!). My boys were both biggish and early, and I worked the day I went into labor with both. She will also work probably up to labor as well. She works for her boyfriends family, so they are making it easy for her to keep getting paid! She's also still going to school, but just taking 1 online class this semester.

Kat, that's great that your son is planning on getting his Masters! And UGA is a great school (although, I'm a Tech gal myself, that's where I went :) ). My cousin is currently getting her Masters there. Hope he finds the best school for him, and I wish him the best of luck! If he does come up here, you can come visit me when you visit him. :) I know you're proud mama!

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Good morning everyone. Not getting off to a very good start today :dunno: slightly annoyed with my other half he totally made me extremly mad even before I left the house. We have a blened family some of the kids visit and some live here with us but his son who is his only child runs the house when he is here so I went to do my usual Wednesday trivia without my teamamte which is my other half. I won which I have never won at trivia before but I enjoy going instead of saying something nice he wasnt very nice and then when we got home I asked why he was rude and spoke my mind which sometimes gets me into trouble. We recently moved in together and I recently lost my job so things are tight. His son is 14 and the way he treats others is extremly rude we have gotten the other 4 kids on the same page but cant seem to get him with the program. He also has a big dinner coming up with his parents and told me its easier on him if I dont go. I asked why he says Iam not prim or proper enough to go which hurt my feelings. I thought it was because of his son seeing he doesnt care for me and to avoid his temper tantrums he has.Then after speaking my mind he works for the village water department and got called in and went to work. I also live with my brother and he works nights so I told him I won at trivia and he said great job. Told him what was going on a bit. Then the other half comes home and we were talking and hes like since I moved in he doesnt help with any housework which is ok seeing I cant afford to help with any bills right now. I just want to smack him over the head right now :bop: and bascially not clean at all today just want to work on my house today. Not sure how to handle things right now without really looseing my temper :bomb: ​ Sorry to vent.

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Starting to smell good in here! I have 10 pounds of apples simmering themselves into applesauce on the stove. Next is push them through a strainer and then cook it down to apple butter. It will be interesting to see how much apple butter you actually get out of 10 pounds of apples......

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One hour to go! And despite what the recipe says, I am going to peel and core the apples for the next batch....tired of picking little seeds and pieces of skin out of the pot. Plus, putting it all through a sieve was an adventure!! LOL! Now I look like this: :flex:

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One hour to go! And despite what the recipe says, I am going to peel and core the apples for the next batch....tired of picking little seeds and pieces of skin out of the pot. Plus, putting it all through a sieve was an adventure!! LOL! Now I look like this: :flex:

The skin does give it really nice color and flavor though. I've tried it with and w/o and we like the end result better when I leave the skin on - seeds can go before though - they don't add much ... tee hee hee

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Debra, I will be doing that this weekend. I had to change plans and pick up my apples tomorrow afternoon. What kinds of apples are you using? I will have cortlands and Macs.

Today was a cleaning day. I did so much puttering that I tired myself out for cooking. Hopefully somebody will step in and do it for me.

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