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What are you up to today? This week?


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Welcome back Mary!

I think today, I'm just at a sincere point of wondering when do things start to look up? Between my cousin being told he will probably be dead with-in a couple of weeks, the stress of trying to raise enough money to help my folks get their roof repaired, having what could be deemed a bit of a blowup with my father over his alcoholism, to being awoken today to news of my cousin Dave being called in the hospital by his wife to say their son was found this morning face down and gone -- still don't know how, but he's dead now too.  Soooo incredibly ready for things to start to level out to at least half-way normal and not so depressive and crazy!

Prayers that everyone else is managing, and that all of you in Florida and regions looking to be effected by the hurricanes manage to stay safe!

My many thanks to everyone here for being so supportive and just providing the simplicity of an open ear to talk to when needed.  <3

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Oh Kelli lovey,I could just say it will pass but I know that is useless to you right now. you certainly have more than enough on your plate One has to wonder sometimes why we can be handed so much at once but that doesn't help either. There are no magic words. Sending a hug and popping you on my fridge prayer list too,I have found lately that folks here are very supportive .I have had some pretty awful things happen in my life too. One things that works for me when I need a boost , sounds a bit corny but for me it helps a little and for a little while too,I write a list of all the blessings in my life and pin it in a prominent place; Just a thought, meanwhile I shall be thinking of you.XX Jeannine

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Jeannine, that may sound corny for some but I've made a habit to post a daily thanks every day on my FB. Helps to remember no matter how small there are always good things to live for in life... think it's just been piling on a little bit quicker and more heavily than I'm used to. Susie, I appreciate it! May sound odd, but while I've been praying for the rest of my family, all of those that may be in the hurricane paths, and the western forest fires -- I don't like praying and asking for help for myself. Suppose it's one of those oddball things that feel selfish to me, but knowing others may add my family and I to their prayer lists -- makes me more grateful than you all can know! <3

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Kelli, God would not think you selfish for asking for yourself, well maybe if you asked him for the lottery numbers.  He is your heavenly father and I ask for things  for me. I ask for strength ,courage, maybe a bit less pain, but mostly I ask him to be with me when things get tough and hold my hand,, that is not being selfish sweetie that is being human.

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oh my, Kelli--- adding my name to the list of those giving you cyper {{hugs}} and prayers!

Today I am thankful that my son and DIL have made it through Hurricane Irma unscathed.  The live in Orlando.  They have no power at the moment, and the huge live oak tree in their back yard "lost a lot of weight" as my son put it... LOL..and although the yard "is 100% covered, none of it came inside.  So that is a win."  The hospital where DIL works is at double capacity due to taking in patients from evacuated areas.  They are on rationing water right now...so things sound a bit crazy there, but at least she is safe.   

So very thankful for them, and for my little granddaughter, Junia, who turned 3 months old over the weekend.  :D  We are babysitting this evening and this grandma can't wait!

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Kelli, so sorry about your cousin and his son. Wife/mother must be going through a lot of suffering now. Be strong.  

Unfortunately the post office was still closed today due to the storm. As soon as they unseal the mailboxes I'll get the ornament check out. 

Take time out for yourself.


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@minikelli I am so sorry for what your family and you personally are facing right now. I can't even imagine how everyone is coping. Prayers and cyber hugs coming your way...

I had an idea about your parent's roof. My aunt is on a fixed income and had a bad contractor years and years ago that left her bathroom all torn apart and took off with her deposit money. She was able to find a program in our area that offered senior citizens a grant to bring the bathroom up to code. I don't know much more about it than that, and I wish I could call and ask her, but let's just say she has managed to alienate the majority of our family over the past eight years so calling her is out of the question. But maybe there is some type of program such as this, or some kind hearted roofing company, or some news channel with the "help us" story line etc. that you might try for?

If anyone here has any information about programs like this, please advise us all!

I hope you find some good news in all of this sadness.

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Jodi, it's odd you mention how your aunt has alienated most of your family -- as that's basically what my father does. That's a truly good thought though, and as I love research and have friends that work in the local Job & Fam. Services -- I can talk to them and see if there's anything available. We found out what my cousin's child died from, and while I wish I could say it would have been quick all we've gotten from the Dr is that his epilepsy kicked in while he was sleeping, thus the face down position in bed and caused him to have a heart attack. At 19 years young, you just don't think of that as a possibility. Dave has reached out to me already, as he's the only other mini-lover in the family that he and his wife are wanting a majority of his collection to come to me. I'm only hoping if that's the case, that I'm able to do them justice and really dedicate whatever I may build to his memory!

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers, they're more appreciated than you know!

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Kelli, I am a little familiar with epilepsy and what you describe is not so uncommon for someone of his age , I think if you reach out there is probably an epilepsy support group that could help your family with this near you, I know for sure there is here.. 

You take care of yourself  , more hugs and prayers coming your way.

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Moving Day is one week from today. Making great strides. One of my big challenges was getting Lloyd's 1950s board and cement blocks shelving out of the storage unit. There was about $400 worth of material, including 40 cement blocks, a half dozen 10 ft 1x12s, and a dozen 8 ft 1x12s. Finally put a notice on Craigslist yesterday, and by the end of the day they were gone and I was $50 richer, which is exactly the amount the moving company will charge to make an extra stop at the storage unit to pick up a steamer truck and two large boxes that I can't wrestle back to the condo. I was at the point where I figured I'd have to pay someone to take the construction materials.  All that remains to be packed is the kitchen, bathroom, my bedroom, and computer desk. I bought paper plates & cups and plastic silverware, so the kitchen is the next target, since it's the biggest. Then I also have to figure out how to get the tv in the studio off the wall.  I'm tired.

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14 minutes ago, KathieB said:

Moving Day is one week from today. Making great strides. One of my big challenges was getting Lloyd's 1950s board and cement blocks shelving out of the storage unit. There was about $400 worth of material, including 40 cement blocks, a half dozen 10 ft 1x12s, and a dozen 8 ft 1x12s. Finally put a notice on Craigslist yesterday, and by the end of the day they were gone and I was $50 richer, which is exactly the amount the moving company will charge to make an extra stop at the storage unit to pick up a steamer truck and two large boxes that I can't wrestle back to the condo. I was at the point where I figured I'd have to pay someone to take the construction materials.  All that remains to be packed is the kitchen, bathroom, my bedroom, and computer desk. I bought paper plates & cups and plastic silverware, so the kitchen is the next target, since it's the biggest. Then I also have to figure out how to get the tv in the studio off the wall.  I'm tired.

Moving is exhausting.  I hope everything goes smoothly.  Glad you were able to make some money from the materials.

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A milestone of sorts: I think I'm done with the paper-piecing. Needs some width so thinking of piecing assorted pattern/length strips along the edges. Then it'll be time to pick out all those papers! :eek: (And do some mending, as some of the seams have come loose from handling...)

Edit: the rosettes on the lower left and right are ones that I added (they aren't in the original pattern) because I didn't think I had enough filler material to make up those spots. I have just a scrap of that beige filler remaining as it is!


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2 hours ago, rbytsdy said:

A milestone of sorts:

A major milestone -- congratulations. :) 

Finished the kitchen today, all but under the sink, and most of that will be toss out. I've noticed that when this adventure began, I was sorting, packing boxes, etc. for about 45 minutes or more with 10-15 minute breaks. Now, several weeks into the fray, it's more like 15 minutes of packing with 45-minute breaks. :D 

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On 8/20/2017, 9:36:17, havanaholly said:

My phone is locked on stupid.  I have tried to reply to comments.  I'm hoping this will clear it up.  No Holly I'm not replying to a previous comment.

Kathie, I feel your pain on the moving part.  I had no idea how heavy paint can get.  My houses furniture are in the storage unit.  My back is totally out of wack.  Hubby decided everything is going into storage until we find a place in the south  (and the house in warrensburg sells).  I am so tired of dust, boxes, and packing.  I can't fantham doing a move by myself.  

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Lawanda, here did that quote come from?  I know I never made that post, and I just went back through the posts for that date and it isn't there.  When I opened this box to replay, there was a piece of another post that I never made.  My computer is wierding me out!

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