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4/1/06 Witch Hazel

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Let's see - I know it's an astringent that there are several useful parts to the plant including bark and leaves and it was supposed to have sedative effects and was used medicinally (as most plants were in earlier times) for a variety of ailments. I thought it was used for some type of dowsing thought for water dowsing I thought willow was the tree of preference.. wich I could remember better.


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I don't know about the online stuff, but yesteray we hiked along the Apalachicola Bluffs & Ravines Preserve and encountered stands of witch hazel, much of it still in bloom. What a wonderful fragrance!!! And yes, it has astringent properties, although I believe nowadays it's primarily used in linament, definitely relieves sore muscles.

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It can also be used for hemmoroids and if your cat has feline acne it helps for that as well. :p:) Marg

I don't know about the online stuff, but yesteray we hiked along the Apalachicola Bluffs & Ravines Preserve

That sounds nice! I love the outdoors! I can't wait until the snow melts up the mountains so we can get up there! It has also been wet or snowing (more recently raining) and is still cold out so even valley walks aren't fun right now.

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Witch Hazel is a native of the U.S. A forked staff of hazel wood was used by witches as a wand over bodies of water to influence the presiding dieties or sprites of the locality for good or evil to those passing.

Children were relieved of hernia by wearing a girdle of ash and hazel twigs.

I used it to dry up my face when I was a teen to help with pimples.

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Witch Hazel was also thought to be sacred by the Celtic Druids. It was encouraged to grow around the sacred sights to ward off evil spirits. It was also boiled down and then adding to create a cleansing/purifying bath.


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Perfect!! Please email me your Address Irishmist!

Thanks Melissa for the pictures too!!

Here is some things I found out about the different things people belived about this tree:

* Celtic name: Coll (pronounced: Cull) - 'C'. Coll means "life force within you".

* Folk or Common names: tree of Wisdom, Lamb's Tails Tree, Collo or Coslo (Gailic), The tree's name shares a common root with the walnut tree and its nut, or cnu and hnot in Europe and Nux in latin.

* Latin name: European hazel - corylus avellana; American Filbert - corylus americana.

* Parts used: Nut, leaves, branches, wood.

* Herbal usage: Hazel can be used as a drainage remedy and can help restore elasticity to the lungs. Hazelnuts, of course, can be eaten, and are a good source of phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, copper, protein and fatty acids. The nuts can be powdered and be mixed with mead or honeyed water to help a cough. Cows' milk yield can be increased by giving them hazel leaves to eat.

* Associations & Magickal history: Hazel is the 9th Moon of the Celtic Year - (Aug 5 - Sept 1). The bird associated with this month is the crane, the color is brown, and the gemstone is band-red agate. The Hazel, a masculine herb, is associated with the element of air, the planet of Mercury, the day of Wednesday, and is sacred to Mercury, Thor, Artemis, Fionn, Diana and Lazdona (the Lithuanian Hazelnut Tree Goddess). Hazel wood is one of the nine traditional firewoods that is part of the Belfire that the Druid's burned at Beltane - it was added to the fire to gain wisdom. In fact, in ancient times the Hazel was known as The Tree of Wisdom. It is often associated with sacred springs and wells and salmon. Celtic legend tell of a grove of Hazel trees below which was a well, a pool, where salmon swam. These trees contained all knowledge, and their fruit contained that knowledge and wisdom in a nutshell. As the hazelnuts ripened, they would fall into the well where they were eaten by the salmon. With each nut eaten, the salmon would gain another spot. In order to gain the wisdom of the Hazel, the Druids caught and prepared the salmon. But Fionn, the young man stirring the pot in which the salmon were cooking, accidentally burned his thumb with the boiling stew. By reflex, he put his thumb into his mouth and thus ingested the essence of the sacred feast; he instantly gained the wisdom of the universe.

* Magickal uses: The Hazel has applications in magick done for manifestation, spirit contact, protection, prosperity, wisdom, divination-dowsing, dreams, wisdom-knowledge, marriage, reconciliation, fertility., intelligence, inspiration, and wrath. Hazel is a good herb to use to do magick associated with asking for wisdom and poetic inspiration since the Hazel is known as the Tree of Immortal Wisdom. In England, all the knowledge of the arts and sciences was thought to be bound to the eating of Hazel nuts. Hazel also has protective uses as anti-lightning charms. A sprig of Hazel or a talisman of two Hazel twigs tied together with red or gold thread to make a solar cross can be carried as a protective good luck charm. The mistletoe that grows on hazel protects against bewitching. A cap of Hazel leaves and twigs ensures good luck and safety at sea, and protects against shipwrecks. In England, the Hazelnut is a symbol of fertility - a bag of nuts bestowed upon a bride will ensure a fruitful marriage. The Hazel is a tree that is sacred to the fey Folk. A wand of hazel can be used to call the Fey. If you sleep under a Hazel bush you will have vivid dreams. Hazel can be used for all types of divination and dowsing. Until the seventeenth century, a forked Hazelstick was used to divine the guilt of persons in cases of murder and theft. Druids often made wands from Hazel wood, and used the wands for finding ley lines. Hazel twigs or a forked branch can be used to divine for water or to find buried treasure. The wood of the Hazel can help to divine the pure source of poetry and wisdom. Hazelnuts can be used for love divination.

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