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I met Blanche


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So, I mailed a fellow mini-er a package today and saw an Antique mall. I had never been in there before, but was told that they had minis there sometimes. I went into the store and two older gals were working the coutner. I looked around, then asked if they had minis. One informed me that they may - the store has 7 large rooms and 4 different levels - feel free to walk around. I was amazed at all the things they had. Very few miniatures.

When I made it to the 3rd level, it was a long room. The area was devided off - yet open to go through. I started that way, but just couldn't bring myself to walk back there. Didn't know why. I decided to head up to the top level. I walked in to find old caskets. They were beautiful (thought of Monica the haunted for some reason even though they were not mini). I said out loud 'you have got to be kidding me'. Then I heard the old hardwood floors creek. Felt silly that I was up there by myself - talking to myself. The room was well lit by the old windows. I as I walked further to the back of the room, my legs seemed weaker. I kept hearing the floor creek, but saw no one. I thought I was going to throw up, and my knees were about to give out on me.

It was all I could do to get back to the first level. When I made it back to the counter, I leaned on it pretending to be interested in the old jewels. I was afraid to walk out, as I didn't think my legs would support me. After polite chit chat, I told the gals that I would come back with my husband, that I felt a little uncomfortable (trying to be nice) about the last level - that I thought someone was up there, but didn't see anyone. They said to me - 'oh, you must have met Blanche'. I said that I didn't meet anyone. She then told me that Blanche is their ghost. Nice. It was all I could not to throw up on the counter. I left the store, almost got hit by a car and cried all the way home like a baby. It was the weirdest thing I have ever felt in my life! It has been over an hour and my legs are still weak and I am pretty emotional

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I still can't believe it. I have never doubted that things like that happen, but just never happen to me. My boys really want me to take them up there, but I don't think I could bring myself to even drive by the store. Besides, it is not a play ground. I do want to know more about Blanche...curiosity killed the cat!

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I believe you. My grandmother's house had a ghost that just moved in on her after the house was built.

When I was pretty young, my parents went to the theater and left me with Granny for the evening. We both went to bed, but in a bit I woke up because of sounds from the kitchen. I could hear my Mom walking around in her heels, which clicked on the tile, and opening cabinet doors. I thought 'well, they're home and having a snack', so I got up and went to the kitchen..which was dark. No one there! I figured I had dreamed it and got back in bed.

I wasn't asleep before I heard those heels clicking on the floor again, and cupboard doors opening and shutting. I went far enough to see there were no lights on, parked a chair in front of the living room door and sat there until my parents got back..no way was I going to sleep!

When they got home and I told my mom about the sounds, she reassured me that this 'person' had been cooking in the kitchen at nights ever since Granny moved in the house, and had never bothered anyone or broken any dishes, either! It's odd, because they bought the house new, but apparently this homeless ghost likes the kitchen!

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Maybe they should have forewarned you. I lived in a mobile home once that was haunted and swore never again would I live in one.

It would have shook my nerves also. But yes you must find about Blanche and let us know


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Caskets and a ghost!? That's a truly creepy sounding place!

(and, you know I've always wanted a real casket :lol: )

Check your local thrift stores. We walked into one of the Good Will stores in Tallahassee one day and practically tripped over the powder-blue flocked casket set up in front; we weren't there two minutes before three hefty fellows from the back came up to load it into the vehicle of the young Goth girl who had just bought it. Her vehicle is a classic antique hearse and she uses the casket to hold coolers of drink cans when she goes to parties (I had to ask!).
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My grandparents were visiting us in 1986. It was a Saturday, and I had to work in the afternoon, but my family forgot I was home. I was watching a video of the cult soap opera "Dark Shadows". Barnabas had (with the unsolicited help of a witch) shot his uncle in a duel after uncle and Barnabas's fiance Josette eloped (again, because of witchly manipulation). Uncle Jeremiah lay mortally wounded, unwitting bride Josette is in another part of the mansion.

"I feel the presence of death in the house," Josette states in pathos. Jeremiah dies upstairs.

Then I became aware of some strange activity on the stairway. I peak my head around the corner and see paramedics hauling a stretcher upstairs!

Grandma Smith had already been to the emergency room on this trip west and so I assumed it was she.

No, it was my beloved Grandpa Smith. We had been very close since I was in first grade and my aunt had obseved I was his favorite grandchild. My very first car lost it's transmission 3 hours from home and he had gone with me to get it, lending the money and renting the tow dolly. On the drive back I had glanced over at him in the passenger seat, asleep, with his mouth opene, and thought to myself in a frieze sangue, "what would I do if he stopped breathing?" It was an hour to the nearest hospital.

Well, on the morning in question I was sleeping in. Grandpa kept popping in. "Lynette, let's go get your car!" No, I want to sleep. This happened about three times before I got up, he drove me over to my mechanic, and paid for the car repairs. There were a couple of things I was talking over with my mechanic, and he left, having a case of heartburn (for which we stopped and picked up some Pepto).

I got home and started watching television when he died.

I drove my brother to the hospital, telling my brother (who had admisitered CPR, but of which I was unaware) that Grandpa hadn't made it. He hadn't.

My aunt from Wyoming was in town for the birth of her first grandchild, for whom their had been a family party the previous day, and my uncle arrived from a 2 hour drive in Wyoming. Dad arrived after receiving the garbled message that Grant (my brother) was dead, and not wishing to go into the E.R. to see the body.

We left the hospital. In the back of the family station wagon is a tombstone! I wasn't aware that Grandma Smith had got a tombstone made to take to Wyoming to place on her father's grave (turns out that someone beat her to it).

The next day or so we got a roll of film we got a roll of film back Grandpa had taken on this trip west. We were horrified to see double exposed pictures of Grandpa and tombstones! :lol: It turns out they had stopped at the Battlefield of Little Big Horn, scene of Custer's Last Stand.

Grandpa had visited all children, all but one grandchild, and celebrated the birth of his first great grand child withing the last 2 weeks. He took me to get my stranded car, and lent me the funds to get it fixed. I believe he had finished all his business and was ready to move on. He loved geneaology and we figured he wanted to do some first hand research on the other side; my aunt did make a big discovery on family history a couple weeks later.

Still, all those death omens give me the heeby jeebies!

Oh, and Grandpa did get to see my first build completed, the Harrison, which I had worked hard on all summer.

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Caskets and a ghost!? That's a truly creepy sounding place!

(and, you know I've always wanted a real casket :lol: )

Oddly enough - the caskets were beautiful. If I go back (a third time) I will get a picture for you.

I guess it is pretty common knowledge about Blanche. The high school even has tours of the building, however I still had no clue. I posted on my fb a little and people knew about her. DH and I went to the store that had a couple pages about her. Apparently it was a bar/brothel. Blanche was a maiden on the top floor. Her boyfriend was the sheriff. He was shot right outside that room, but she remained after her death. It didnt' say how she died.

I went back there with my son and his friend, but we asked the ladies at the counter if they could tell us more. They shared more sightings of her. I guess at night sometimes the lights up there turn on and you can see her looking out the window. A tattoo parlor owner next door noticed her and thought she was a tenant. He was talking to the owners and said that he saw his nightkeeper looking out, but she never waves back to him. He told him about Blanche. The ladies said he moved out of that next door building within 2 weeks.

Had I even heard the story before, for one - would not have gone up there by myself, and two - probably would not have sensed a presence. I think a 'beware of the ghost' sign would have been nice. What is even more odd is that I am not a shopper. I never go anywhere without a kid with me. Just happended to drive by and pulled in. If I had ever come up missing, the last place DH would ever look would be the mall - let alone an antique store down town. That is just so out of charachter for me.

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I've been trying to get a ghost hunting group together in Bremerton, but no here seems to want to join one. There have been 4 groups that started and then died (forgive the pun)!.

I had an experience when I was about 12 or 13 that scared me to death, but now I'm more curious than scared. One of my very good friends has had a paranormal group going for years. Mainly it's to help people who think their house is haunted. Most of the time they find out it's all phenomena that has natural explanations and the houses aren't haunted at all. But he's had some spooky experiences and so have I when my group was active.

Our group went to investigate a "haunted" theater and we went in two at a time for a couple hours because of how small the theater was (maybe about 60 seats - small town). But upstairs to get to the lighting box, we had to cross into the attic. My friend and I sat in the lighting box for about 10 minutes, and then when we went to leave, the attic light went on when my friend stepped into it. She looked at me, shrugged and said, "Note it - I didn't do that." So then I stepped into the attic and raised my hand up to turn off the light (we had enough light coming through the lighting box to see - we weren't investigating in the dark), the light went out when my hand was about 6 inches from the string. That was absolutely awesome!

My other forum is a paranormal forum, so if you want to talk to anyone about any experiences you've had, just let me know and I can direct you there. Not sure if I can put the link here or not.

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When I first saw this post I thought you met Blanche from HBS. I've lived in two houses over the years where strange things would happen. One had a rocking chair in the living room that you could hear rocking after you went to bed. At first we thought it was our cat but then one time she was in our bed when the rocking started and it scared her too. The house had been moved and placed over a new basement so we just figured it was settling. It was scary though.

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During my entire life, I have had a very high degree of extrasensory perception . . . I have, on many occasions, known of deaths prior to them happening, known very detailed circumstances of things that happened long before my time, etc. . . A few examples I can give you are:

(1) When I was a junior in high school, I dreamed that one of my fellow students got killed in a sled-riding accident. We were not close friends, and I remember waking up KNOWING that it had happened. Sure enough, when I got to school that morning, I found out that he had been killed (EXACTLY as I dreamed it) around 11:30 p.m. the night before.

(2) A few years ago (when I was still married to my antagonistic ex-husband), I had an urgent need to go see my Uncle Jewel . . . It was around 7:30 p.m., and I told the (ex) husband about it. He shrugged me off, saying "go do it in a few days - I don't want to get out right now and you need to stay in too". Anyway, early the next morning, I found out that my Uncle had passed around 8:00 p.m. the prior night.

(3) About 10 years ago (on Valentine's Day, no less), I got very hyper about needing to call my Dad (it was around noon), and I told the same loathesome ex (as mentioned above) about it. He told me he didn't want me spending the money on a long-distance call. I told him to leave me alone, and I proceeded to try to reach my parents. I called and called (racking up a bill, because I got their answering machine each time). My ex told me they were probably just eating out for Valentine's Day. Once again, I ignored him and tried my sister's number. Her husband answered, and when I asked where Dad was, he immediately told me "at the hospital". I found out which one, called the ER there, and was able to talk to my Mom. The first thing she asked me was "who told you?". I told her "Mom, you KNOW how I knew . . ." Anyway, my Dad had experienced a massive heart attack, died on the table and got shocked back. They were able to do an emergency quadruple bypass and keep him alive.

(4) When I was a small child, I slept in a room with my older sister . . . I used to have very vivid dreams and speak an odd language in my sleep. My sister was in high school at the time, and she wrote those words down and also the descriptions I gave her, and she discovered that I was apparently having "ancestral dreams", as I had accurately described a very early Nordic village (with highly detailed elements of the particular building I was always in), and those words? They turned out to be from a very early Gaelic dialect, and while I am not sure how that ties in with the Nordic village, I am 100% certain it does. Sometimes, when my sister would ask me about certain words, I would correct her pronunciation. When my sister asked a professor who was a specialist in that field, he told her I was correct, not my sister.

(5) When I was a few years older, I used to often mix words in my normal conversation that sounded "foreign" to my Mom during the course of an otherwise normal conversation. I did this on an extremely frequent basis. We were not in a community where I could have picked-up anything like this. I grew up in a good old fashioned "Mayberry style" town!

Anyway, I could give examples like this all day long. It's always been with me, and I mostly feel curious more than I do scared when I encounter something . . . perhaps because it doesn't seem odd to me, having lived with it for my entire life. The only time it scares me is when I know it involves losing a family member or a friend. Oddly enough, the one time I myself had a huge catastrophe (the house fire where I lost everything), I didn't pick up any weird vibes. That might be good . . . I am not sure I want to know when my own doom is upon me.

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i just posted a youtube video in the youtube video thread sticky at the top of the general forums about a paranormal dollhouse! no ghosts but its kinda creepy. its weird that i happened to do that just before discovering this thread.


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Wow, what a topic!

I'm not sure how I feel about ghosts. My husband (scientist-type) assures me that they don't exist as we think of them, but since I believe in God I don't see why spirits can't exist and leave marks on our world.

My boss insists he lives in a haunted house...he even had Lorraine Warren come there and she said it was. She said there was a child and a small dog who are still in the house. I have never been there, so I can't say. He is in process of buying a new house in Springfield...built in 1874, and all the photos we've taken have orbs and weird foggy spots on them so my co-workers are all saying it's haunted. I didn't feel anything but that means nothing.

Sometimes I hear a voice saying a word out loud and when I ask others about it they say there was nothing. Don't know what that is and not sure of what the word is. Just a voice saying a short word.

Audra, that is so creepy! I would definitely have gone up there to see the caskets!!

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This whole post has me SPOOKED!!! LOL. I just want them to stay in their world and I'll stay in mine; with God protecting me from all of that!! LOL. (Didn't mean to stumble on this post-I thought you meant you had met Blanche from HBS too!!! LOL.)

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I would love to go visit that shop! I think today's "awareness" of ghosts is way overbalanced, but one cannot deny that strange things happen! The widowed mother of a friend of mine purchased an old house and was aware of strange things happening shortly after she moved in -- a skillet put away at night would be on the stove in the morning, etc. At first she chalked it up to her own forgetfulness but then she started paying closer attention and decided "someone" else was definitely there with her. Her family wanted her to move out, but she said, "Why? He's friendly and lonely and won't hurt me!" Once she had spread out fabric and a pattern on the living room carpet and she saw depressions of "feet" moving across it. She scolded, "Get off my pattern! Scoot! you're going to tear it!" And "he" did!

When you hear something like that from a trusted source (i.e. NOT a TV show) it's pretty convincing! :doh:

PS -- I, too, clicked on this thread because I thought she meant Blanche from HBS :groucho:

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