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Too Many Ideas!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Holly, I know Mark makes some impressive minis, but I remember reading an article about him in Miniature Collector magazine where he mentioned that he had received a lot of help and support from friends and family. I wonder if his circumstances aren't too different from mine- build great little minis and hope to sell them eventually?

After looking at so many amazing mansions in search of the next house to build, I have come up with two more ideas, but they're for real life houses, and wouldn't translate into minis at all unless I had a gigantic room to build / display them in.

The first is a house that would do away with the traditional grand foyer and staircases all together. Instead, the entrance would be a large, medieval stone archway leading into a Parisian street! The floor would be cobblestone, complete with curbs and indoor trees. The wall on the far end would be a large, 2 or 3 story glass wall looking out into the country side or an actual street, and the walls on either side would look like shops. The "cafe" would be the dining room, only the room would look like the inside of a small cafe. The "bakery" would be the kitchen. On the other side of the "street" would be a "book store" themed library and the English style pub would be a real pub. The upstairs bedrooms and gamerooms would have real windows that open to the great room below. The ceiling would either be one large glass roof or a mural of the sky with indirect lighting that gradually dims or turns bright colors like real sunsets and fiber optics inbedded in the ceiling would glitter like stars at night. I haven't figured out how the rest of the house would work, but it would be a large house.

The other idea is a house built around a pool. Every house I have ever seen has a pool in the back as an accessory. What if a house was built like a series of villas around several large pools, all connected, complete with islands, bridges, a lazy river and waterfalls? At several locations the 2nd floor of the house would span over the river like a bridge with a sweeping arch underside. Some islands would be little spots to sit in the shade, another would have a little guest suite or bonus room. The sides of the pool would have shade trees and lit walkways for moonlit walks. The waterfall would have a secret room behind it for relaxing in the shade or lunch behind the falling water.

Both ideas are way too large and expensive to build for my family to live in, but I can dream. I'm thinking of breaking my 11 year dry spell and actually drawing plans of these two houses just to see if I can put the images in my head onto paper.

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Jeremy, what you describe is a classical Roman villa. In our early days of marriage when I was sketching ideas for houses I'd like to live in they all included an atrium with a couple of fruit trees and at least a koi pond for the impluvium. The rooms in the original villas were much smaller, though.

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Perhaps, but with a modern slant. I'll have to sketch the ideas out on paper. The pool idea came from the enormous pools many resorts in Orlando now have. If you Google map the pool at the Regal Palms Resort just Southwest of Disney, you can see what I mean, only the one I have in mind would be much larger.

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  • 5 months later...
Guest Happy Heart

I have that many creative projects swirling in my head that I'm considering wearing ear plugs so they don't start falling out. :huh:

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I have that many creative projects swirling in my head that I'm considering wearing ear plugs so they don't start falling out. :huh:

LOL! Yep! Mine tend to swirl when I get into bed. Why my brain doesn't work that well during the day is a mystery to me!

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Guest Happy Heart

LOL! Yep! Mine tend to swirl when I get into bed. Why my brain doesn't work that well during the day is a mystery to me!

Cause during the day, your brain (and mine) is filled with what you gotta do, not what you want to do.

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Guest Happy Heart

I know what you mean about having too many ideas all at the same time - almost as bad as not having any at all.

No it isn't sweetie.

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Guest Happy Heart

I never have no ideas at all, but sometimes I come up empty on the things I want ideas for, and have ideas for everything else!

How many lost articles do you find while searching for one particular one? I usually find many other things I was looking for but not the one :lol:

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How many lost articles do you find while searching for one particular one? I usually find many other things I was looking for but not the one :lol:

Ah, yes; those Eureka moments (but the wrong eureka, alas!)
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  • 1 month later...

As much as I dislike room boxes, (one good room deserves another) I'm thinking about building a couple. The old theater stage is one I have been entertaining for a few months, but I'm also thinking about building a two story library. It would be a near replica of the mahogany paneled library in the dream home designs website. Maybe if I built it so it could be added to a house as a modular component. . .

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  • 4 weeks later...

He does make so really nice structures.

I got another idea while I was at Ron's- a private garden with a stone and wrought iron fence. They have several iron gates at the shop.

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